7 Foods to Eat Daily for Heartburn Relief

Are you someone who experiences heartburn frequently? If so, there are some easy dietary changes that you can implement to keep this condition in check. Not only is heartburn an unpleasant feeling to experience, but it also leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Pain associated with heartburn can range from mild to severe, and it may also be mistaken for chest pain at times during a heart attack.

Acid reflux occurs if there is an acid backflow into the food pipe or esophagus. It usually happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which prevents the food inside the stomach from moving upward into the food pipe, gets damaged or becomes very weak. Some foods for heartburn relief can be added to your daily meals to ensure that the condition is managed.

While none of these foods will cure the condition, they can help soothe the symptoms, and you can choose what works for you:

1. Vegetables
These are known to be low in sugar and fats and help reduce stomach acid. You can choose to add asparagus, green beans, dark, leafy greens, cucumbers, potatoes, and cauliflower to your diet.

2. Ginger
This beneficial food for heartburn is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that make it very effective in preventing heartburn or any other gastrointestinal disorder. You can add ginger to your herbal tea or add grated and sliced ginger to your meals and smoothies.

3. Fruits
Bananas, melons, pears, and apples will not trigger acid reflux, but you must avoid citrus fruits.

4. Oatmeal
You can include oatmeal as a part of your breakfast cereals. Being a whole grain, it adds fiber to your diet and is capable of absorbing stomach acids, minimizing the chances of reflux. You may also add whole grain rice or pasta to your meals.

5. Seafood and lean meats
Chicken, seafood, fish, and turkey are all safe options because they contain less fat and do not trigger acid reflux. You should ideally grill, bake, or boil these meats instead of frying them.

6. Egg whites
These are excellent for controlling acid reflux, but you should do away with the yolk, which is high-fat and may cause acidity.

7. Healthy fats
Sources of healthy fats, like avocados, flaxseeds, sesame oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, and walnuts are good foods for relief from heartburn and reflux. You should include these instead of trans fats and saturated fats in your diet.

High-fat foods are the biggest triggers of heartburn as they make the LES relax and more stomach acid goes back up into the food pipe. It means that your diet should ideally not contain full-fat milk products, regular cheese, sour cream, butter, bacon fat, ham fat, lard, and desserts like ice-cream.

Also, you need to avoid snacks like potato chips, creamy salad dressings, and greasy foods. Spicy or tangy foods like garlic and onions trigger acid reflux, and so does caffeine. Also, mint or products with mint flavor, like chewing gum, are harmful foods for you and may trigger heartburn.