Toxic Houseplants for Cats from the ASPCA

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has listed out some toxic houseplants for cats that could affect their health. This article gives you information about some of the plants that ASPCA has identified as toxic, and these should not be kept in your home as they can be harmful to your pet cat. Here are the most toxic houseplants for cats:

1. Lilies
The lily family of plants, including the ornamental tiger lily, is unsafe for cats. Apart from tiger lilies, even peace lilies can be harmful owing to the fact that their pollen is believed to cause kidney failure, which can be fatal.

2. Tulip
If your cat consumes the bulbs of tulips and the Narcissus plants that contain toxins, it can lead to gastrointestinal upset, convulsions, and nerve problems.

3. Rhododendron
Plants belonging to the Rhododendron family, which is often found in numerous homes, contain grayanotoxins that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac failure, and harm the nervous system in cats.

4. Oleander
All parts of this plant can be poisonous for your cat since they produce cardiac glycosides that can affect heart functioning, which can prove to be quite hazardous.

5. Sago palm
The sago palm is another lethal plant for your pet. The nuts of these plants are packed with toxins, while other parts have varying degrees of toxicity. If consumed, it can have dangerous consequences that may involve liver failure, seizures, and depression.

6. Castor bean
Ricin is a noxious substance that is found in the castor bean plant that can cause immediate abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration in your pet. Tremors and seizures can ensue as a result of not getting your cat immediate medical help.

7. Cyclamen
Cyclamen is a common plant that contains toxins called terpenoid saponins, which are present in highly concentrated form in the roots. Eating these roots affects the digestive system, causing vomiting and diarrhea, which can be venomous for kittens.

8. Chrysanthemum
It is a popular flowering plant that people have recently started growing indoors. Pyrethrins are toxic substances that are present in this plant. If the flower is eaten by cats, it can result in vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. Eating other parts of the plant can cause nerve problems, leading to difficulty in walking.

9. Kalanchoe
Also known as the widow’s thrill, this flowering plant can be detrimental to your cat’s health. It can directly affect the heart, causing cardiac arrhythmias, and it can lead to serious heart complications, if not treated promptly.

10. Pothos
Pothos, also called devil’s ivy, is a flowering plant, popularly grown in flowering baskets. It can cause severe irritation in its oral region if it comes in contact with the cat. It may lead to swelling, itching, pain, and can even affect the digestive tract.

11. Schefflera
Popularly known as umbrella trees, they contain calcium oxalate, a chemical that causes burning and irritation in the mouth and digestive tract.

The ASPCA list of toxic houseplants for cats presented in this write-up is an authentic list that identifies plants that are harmful to cats that can cause severe health problems. It is essential that your pet is kept away from these plants and to avoid having them in your house altogether.