Old-Timey Remedies for Colds and Flu: Foods to Eat

The common cold and flu can render even the strongest person into a weepy mess. While it’s best to wait out ailments like these, we can’t help but turn to anything that will give us relief from coughing, runny nose, and nausea that accompanies these illnesses. The old-timey remedies for cold and flu presented in this article list out foods to have if you are suffering from the flu or cold.

These foods can be helpful in relieving symptoms and boost your immunity:

1. Honey
Honey is considered to be one of the most effective old-timey remedies for colds and flu that can be consumed to get relief from the symptoms of a cold. You can either consume honey directly or mix it with warm water and drink. Honey can also be mixed with lemon tea, which is highly effective for children who have a cold.

2. Herbal tea
Herbal tea is one of the best ways to be hydrated and is also beneficial to decrease the discomfort caused due to a cold. Turmeric added to a glass of hot water with ginger is a good way of preparing herbal tea. Ginger and turmeric are anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and can be very helpful in alleviating the symptoms of cold and flu.

3. BART diet
When you have a cold or flu, one of the good old-timey remedies is a BRAT diet, which stands for banana, rice, apple, and toast. This diet is useful to improve digestion and stop diarrhea.

4. Chicken soup
Chicken soup or broth is one of the most common old-timey remedies for colds and flu. A hot bowl of soup or broth can help reduce mucus that triggers coughing. It decreases the intensity of the symptoms of sore throat and prevents nasal blockage.

5. Yogurt
Yogurt is a probiotic that contains healthy bacteria. It can help in digestion and preventing diarrhea. The bacteria in yogurt can improve overall immunity and aid the body to naturally tackle the symptoms of cold and flu.

6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a good option to have if suffering from a cold or the flu. It contains vitamin E that helps in improving the body’s natural immunity. Oatmeal consists of whole grains, which is good for health. It has antioxidants that play a role in reducing soreness from the symptoms of cold and flu.

7. Vitamin C
Vitamin C contributes to soothing the discomfort experienced when one has a cold. It is naturally found in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and tomatoes.

8. Garlic
Eating raw garlic has multiple health benefits. It is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Apart from using it as a spice in food, it can be eaten raw. Eating 2 to 3 pods of raw garlic is helpful in improving general immunity and preventing the flu.

Eating the right food that is loaded with nutrients is one of the old-timey remedies for curing a cold and flu that one should try out. These foods are good for your health and can also help prevent symptoms from increasing.