Natural Flea and Tick Prevention for Cats

It is always better to opt for natural flea and tick prevention methods for your cat to prevent an infestation as you don’t need to worry about the side effects of chemical products available in the market. However, you must note that all natural methods are not safe for cats, and the methods you use for your dog may not be suitable for your cat.

Listed below are some natural methods for flea and tick prevention that can be used for cats:

1. Oregano oil
Oregano oil has proven to be effective in preventing flea and tick infestations in cats. It contains a substance known as carvacrol, which fleas avoid. You can mix one spoon of oregano oil with three spoons of olive oil and apply this mixture on your cat’s ear, neck, stomach, and tail, where fleas are commonly found.

2. Rosemary
Rosemary is a spice that fleas and ticks don’t like. You can make a powder using rosemary leaves and sprinkle it all over the place where your cat rests to keep fleas and ticks away.

3. Cumin
Cumin is a natural flea and tick repellant as fleas and ticks don’t like its smell. You just have to add half a teaspoon of cumin to your cat’s food, and the smell of this spice settles on your cat’s fur once it is consumed. This makes fleas and ticks avoid your cat.

4. Vinegar
Vinegar has acetic acid that fleas and ticks avoid. You can make a spray at home by mixing equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it on your cat’s fur at frequent intervals.
You can also try adding half a teaspoon of vinegar to the container that has drinking water for your cat, but this natural flea and tick prevention method might take some time to show effect as your cat may refuse to drink this water.

5. Comb well
Combing your cat’s fur using a flea comb can be very helpful to get rid of any eggs or larvae that can hatch into fleas.

6. Things to avoid for your pet cat
Here are some natural flea and tick prevention methods that you should not use for your cat:

  • Citrus fruits are something that cats dislike, citrus fruit juices can be harmful to them, causing vomiting and diarrhea. All citrus juices must be avoided, and applying them on the skin should also be avoided as it can be problematic if your cat ingests the juice.
  • Dogs are commonly fed garlic to combat fleas and ticks, but this should not be done for cats.
  • Dogs may tolerate essential oils like cedar, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender, but these oils are toxic for cats and can cause liver damage. Whether you buy a commercial product or use a natural one, ensure that there are no essential oils in it.