Tips to Keep Acid Reflux at Bay

Acid reflux, one of the most common conditions, affects almost 3 out of 4 people. Although persistent acid reflux can be a symptom of an underlying condition, in most cases it occurs due to unrestricted lifestyle habits, excessive junk and oily food, and insufficient water consumption. People who suffer from this condition repeatedly should take care of their food habits and follow the certain lifestyle tips for acid reflux. Though more common among adults, heartburn can also affect children and teenagers due to excessive junk food consumption.

To avoid such discomfort, adopting some lifestyle tips for acid reflux can help:

1. Skip trigger foods
One of the best lifestyle tips for acid reflux is to avoid trigger foods at all costs. One should avoid foods that aggravate heartburn. These foods include caffeinated or aerated drinks, spicy and oily foods, and lactose. Besides, several people have also reported acid reflux after consuming citrus fruits and bread.

2. Hydration
Water is required for almost every biochemical and metabolic activity in our body. Limiting the intake of water is unhealthy and can lead to several problems. One should have a glass of water every half an hour. Additionally, avoid sipping on water while having a meal. Experts advise people to consume 3 to 4 liters of water throughout the day.

3. Eat comfortably
Never rush while having food. Chewing food can be a choking hazard. Besides, rushing can cause air to enter the food passage with each morsel, contributing to acidity or heartburn. Thus, eating at a stable pace is a great lifestyle tip for acid reflux.

4. Sleep positions
How we sleep can affect the body process to a great extent. Hence, one should

  • Sleep on their left after dinner or after having a meal. Avoid sleeping on the right, as it slows digestion and causes heartburn.
  • Do not immediately go to bed after having a meal. One should wait for approximately 30 minutes or more before sleeping after a heavy meal.
  • Keep the head elevated by approximately 4 inches from the body. This ensures that the food or digestive acids do not travel through the esophagus. As the head is higher than the rest of the body, it can avoid acid reflux.

5. Timely meals
Meals should be consumed at reasonable hours. One should particularly avoid heavy meals late at night and never skip breakfast.