Home Treatments for Sleep Apnea

The conventional treatments for sleep apnea use various devices that can be uncomfortable to use over a prolonged period of time. The other commonly opted for treatment method is surgery, but surgery comes with its own fair share of risks. But in addition to these conventional treatment methods, home remedies as treatments for sleep apnea can also help in reducing problems caused by the condition.

These treatments have no side effects and include lifestyle changes to help manage the problem. It is advisable to discuss them with the doctor before adopting them.

1. Weight loss
One of the best home treatments for sleep apnea is weight loss. Excess weight and obesity cause pressure on the lungs, leading to breathing problems. It has been found that those who are obese are more likely to face problems caused by sleep apnea. Those who use CPAP devices for sleep apnea can reduce their dependence on the device if they reduce weight and maintain an ideal weight.

A proper diet with less fatty foods and frequent exercise can help in weight loss. One of the main symptoms of sleep apnea is daytime sleepiness and tiredness. Weight loss can also help in getting relief from these symptoms.

2. Yoga
Yoga is an ancient system of physical exercise and mental concentration. Apart from helping to relax the mind and body, it is very helpful in strengthening the lungs. Yoga has breathing exercises that are very helpful in regulating proper airflow.

Yoga improves the level of oxygen and can aid in reducing interruptions in the sleep cycle due to breathing problems.

3. Say no to alcohol and cigarettes
Alcohol dehydrates the body and can worsen the problems of sleep apnea. It can weaken the muscles in the throat that can create problems with breathing during sleep. Smoking is another bad habit that those suffering from sleep apnea, need to give up. It can cause inflammation in the airways. This leads to breathing problems and hence smoking should be given up.

4. Sleep properly
Getting proper sleep is a good way of controlling the symptoms of sleep apnea. Sleeping on time and following a set routine for sleep is important. Finishing dinner early and avoiding caffeine in the evenings helps in sleeping well without much difficulty. The sleep position also plays a role in reducing the symptoms of sleep apnea. Sleeping on the back can cause problems and hence should be avoided. Sleeping on the sides is advised to reduce breathing problems during sleep.

However, studies have found that children who have sleep apnea sleep better on their backs.

5. Diet
Including certain foods in the diet is helpful for sleep apnea sufferers. Antioxidants can deal with oxidative stress that contributes to sleep apnea symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, avocado, and nuts can also help in reducing symptoms. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to sleep apnea, as per some studies. Vitamin D supplements can help reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. It is also helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, which has an impact on weight loss.

The home treatments for sleep apnea listed out in this article can be tried out to get relief from its symptoms. Those averse to use devices or surgery can try these options, provided their symptoms are not severe.