9 Dietary Tips to Remember During Crohn’s Flare-Ups

Most doctors advise patients with Crohn’s disease to follow a low-residue diet. This diet includes foods that will cut down on the quantity of solid waste in the stool. Following a low-residue diet is one of the most effective dietary tips for Crohn’s disease because it allows the bowel to rest and heal. With this diet, the intestinal tract will not have to work hard to digest solid foods.

People suffering from Crohn’s disease are prone to flare-ups, which are periods characterized by inflammation. During this time, the person may experience nausea, diarrhea, and cramps whenever they eat. Some foods can worsen the symptoms and need to be eliminated from the diet, which is why knowing the dietary tips for Crohn’s disease is important.

1. Caffeine
Caffeine is known to be harmful to Crohn’s patients because it stimulates the bowels and can worsen diarrhea. A person with Crohn’s disease can enjoy beverages like decaffeinated tea and coffee and low-sugar drinks. This way, people affected by the disease do not have to cut out caffeine completely from their diet, preventing any withdrawal symptoms.

2. Spicy foods
Spicy foods are discouraged for people with Crohn’s disease, but spices like turmeric or curcumin help minimize flare-ups and can be included in the diet. Patients must restrict their intake of chili powder, black pepper, and cayenne and avoid purple, white, and yellow onions, wasabi, and paprika. However, one can easily include ginger, lemon peel, chives, green onions, cumin, mustard, and fresh herbs in their meals.

3. Low-fiber foods
It is better to choose low-fiber cereals and bread as these will not stimulate the bowels too much. A helpful dietary tip for Crohn’s disease is to stick to white bread, refined flour, white rice, puffed rice, and such.

4. Dairy
If the condition is not triggered by dairy products, they can be included in the diet. For some people, on the other hand, dairy foods have been seen to worsen the symptoms and should be left out.

5. Fruits
When eating fruits, peeling them off can prevent them from stimulating the bowel. During flare-ups, fruits that can be safely eaten are peeled apples, ripe melons, and bananas. Also, canned fruits except for berries and pulp-free fruit juices can be considered.

6. Protein
Many protein-rich foods can be eaten during flare-ups, provided that they are cooked tender. These include fish, eggs with a solid yolk, poultry, nut butter without seeds, and soy products.

7. Desserts
Desserts and sweets like cakes, hard candies, cookies, and ice cream are safe to eat, but ensure that they are without nuts, jams, jellies, and other fruit flavors, and ensure moderation.

8. Vegetables
Vegetables in a low-residue diet include green beans and seed-free squash. Canned vegetables without seeds, eggplant, pumpkin, asparagus, and pulp-free veggie juices are also safe to eat.

9. Fats
Another dietary tip highlights the fats that can be consumed for Crohn’s disease as butter, mayonnaise, margarine, oils, and salad dressings. However, the intake must be moderate.