6 Foods to Avoid to Manage Asthma and Allergies

There are certain foods, called trigger foods, that act as a cause for an allergy attack and can worsen the symptoms of asthma. The common trigger foods that need to be left out of your diet to manage asthma and allergies are listed in this article. However, food allergens differ from person to person, so know which of these are problematic for you so that you can avoid them.

If you are suffering from respiratory issues, there are foods that you need to know about to manage asthma and allergies. Some foods act as triggers and worsen the symptoms, so it is important to identify them. A simple way of doing so is to maintain a food diary. Write down the details of the foods you consume, and list any symptoms that you experience against the food. Doing this for a few weeks will help you identify which foods cause allergies, and you can then avoid these items. You can also contact an allergy specialist who would advise an elimination diet to help you decide which foods to avoid. Some common food allergens are listed here:

1. Gas-producing foods
Certain foods produce gas in the stomach. Food items like beans, milk, lentils, fried foods, sodas, wheat, and gluten can lead to excess production of gas. When this happens, the stomach swells and puts pressure on the lungs, which can lead to wheezing and breathing difficulties. Avoiding such foods or eating them in moderate amounts is advisable to manage asthma and allergies.

2. Milk
Some people are lactose-intolerant, which is a difficulty in digesting lactose and leads to digestive issues like excessive gas. Also, many are allergic to the lactose in milk. If someone with asthma is allergic or intolerant to lactose, they can face breathing difficulties after consuming milk and milk products, so they are best avoided.

3. Peanut
A peanut allergy is one of the most common types of allergies and can cause severe symptoms like irritation and rashes. Most importantly, it can trigger anaphylaxis, causing sudden tightening of the airways. In some people, this allergy attack can have fatal consequences if not treated on time. If you are allergic, avoid peanuts as well as other food products containing them. You can check food labels for ingredients to ensure that the allergen is kept out of your diet.

4. Gluten
Some people are allergic to gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley, and such. In such cases, they must opt for a gluten-free diet and use corn, rice, and buckwheat instead.

5. Eggs
While eggs are nutritious and good for health, they may be trigger foods for some. If you experience allergic symptoms after consuming eggs, it is best to avoid them.

6. Sulfites
Sulfites are commonly used as preservatives in foods like pickles, wine, bottled lemon juice, beer, and canned foods. Some people are allergic to this preservative and should avoid foods with sulfites.